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Writer's pictureVolodymyr Salyga

Corn world record 33,3 t/ha by David Hula

Рекордна урожайність кукурудзи у світі, кукурудза в США, рекордна урожайність кукурудзи

US farmer David Hulla from the state of Virginia set a world record for corn yield - 33.3 t/ha in 2015.

Hula says the main challenge is to keep the corn plant green for as long as possible. As long as the stem of the plant is healthy and green, corn continues to convert the energy of the sun into a crop.

Hula plants look as green and healthy with 21% grain moisture as if they were 36% moisture.

Keeping the stem healthy means that the grain can release moisture back through the cob into the stem, a natural drying process occurs. This is in contrast to what we see in most other cases where plants begin to die in early September.

The main elements of corn cultivation technology to obtain a record harvest:

Sowing density: 125,000 seeds per hectare.

Seed treatment: Seeds are treated with fertilizers Pentilex, (NPK 0-37-37) + zinc, which accelerate germination. The seed was also treated with Poncho 1250 (Bayer insecticide) + VOTIVO (Bayer bacterial antinematode), even though the GMO hybrid Pioneer 20889YHR is said to already have a broad spectrum of pest protection.

Fertilizer starter: (NPK 60-30-0) plus 2.4 kg of sulfur, 0.24 kg. zinc and 0.04 kg. Boron - applied from the side of the row 7.5 cm and 5 cm below the seed level. This operation also includes another BioRed product in the starter, which is a complex of soil microbes. (12-14-12% Azotobacter Vinelandii/ Clostridum Pasteurianum/ Lactobacillus Acidophilus) These microbiological preparations accelerate the transformation of nutrients into a form available to plants.

In row: 7.4 kg (NPK 3-18-18). (Note: Biologicals have already proven their strength and effectiveness in the field. This is a great opportunity to introduce mycorrhizal and beneficial root bacteria to encourage new root colonization. Many American farmers estimate additional grain yields of 1.5 to 2.5 t/ ha. Sowing corn with in-row fertilization does not slow down the speed of the planter, because the amount of fertilizer that is applied with sowing is quite modest.

Phase 3 - 4 leaves Spraying of leaves: microbiological preparation Biomate and Micro-8. Biomate is then included in each subsequent foliar application. Biomate contains microorganisms and sugar to feed the microorganisms on the leaves and in the soil. Azotobacter Vinelandii/ Lactobacillus Acidophilus/ glucose/ fructose/ maltose/ sucrose. Micro-8 is a mixture of trace elements magnesium, sulfur, boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc.

6th sheet. inter-row application: This pass includes 160 kg of nitrogen and 8 kg of sulfur. In addition, BioMate and Assist 45 (a mixture of 4% fulvic acid and 0.5% humic acid) Herbicide, fungicide and another application of BioMate and Micro-8 + are also applied in this pass.

Before ears reliese: inter-row introduction of 30 kg of N in liquid form and 30 kg. K - twice. Again, BioMate and Micro-8 + are applied once more.

Cob: aerial treatment with a mixture (NPK 3-18-18), amino acids, fungicide Headline (active ingredient repyraclostrobin, BASF) and insecticide Tombstone (pyrethroid). Application is repeated after 10 days at the stage of pre-milk maturity, but with a smaller amount (NPK 3-18-18) plus boron.

As you can see, the technology of obtaining a record harvest requires knowledge, effort, discipline and additional costs from the producer, so all technological techniques must be balanced and calculated. Even among US farmers, each of whom has an average of 400 hectares, only one from five does foliar fertilization. But many of them still live with the stereotype that the only way to get nutrients for corn is through the root.

Agricultural Center of Innovation

+38097493129 will offer several options for increasing the yield of corn according to the method of David Hula and other top American corn growers to help you increase the profitability of growing this popular crop.

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